
Testing supraconductor magned – CERN

The SM18 facility at CERN is a world leading magnet test  facility for testing magnets and instrumentation at low temperature (1.9 K up to 80 K) and up to high currents (20 kA).
Due to its wide infrastructure and long expertise it is has unique capabilities to to carry out: tests for instrumentation and superconducting magnets in vertical or horizontal test benches, magnetic measurements of all types of accelerator magnets.

Test station upgrades
The SM18 hall was originally optimized for the NbTi LHC magnet testing, but with the High Luminosity LHC upgrade (see HL-LHC) coming up a major upgrade of the test facility is ongoing.
In 2016 a new cryostat will be implemented in the vertical test station, called HFM (High Field Magnet) cryostat. It can house large diameter magnets and was designed for the Fresca 2 magnet.
Also in 2016 a fully new test facility, called cluster D, will be operational. It can handle the full lenght MQXF magnets for the HL-LHC and will be equipped with powerconverters that can deliver 30 kA.
Article : CERN
Pictures : iTom

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